Monday, March 21, 2005

The Status of Women

At the U. N. meeting recently, held to assess the progress of women throughout the world since the 1995 Beijing Conference on Women - it seems that progress hasn't been what many would have liked. Worldwide, so many women and children live in poverty a real indication that we should be working harder to change this. Many women still do not receive even an elementary school education. By educating girls and women more, communities and countries could feel the positive impact of women better able to make decisions as caregivers and better able to create better lives for themselves and their families.

I still can't believe that the U. S. still has not RATIFIED the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women. It seems reproductive rights is the stumbling block. In the meantime, the U. S. is not legally bound by its provisions and is not accountable for periodic reports on progress here!

One place to begin educating ourselves on these issues is the site maintained by the U. N.:

U. N.'s Women Watch

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